Like a pebble tossed into still water, JUNTOS has rippled over the years, casting its circle of influence wider and deeper. — Executive Director, Joanna Poz-Molesky
Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday! Before tomorrow, November 27th, we wanted to share an impact story that is a little closer to home (geographically at least!).
This is Amy McMurchie, our Programs Director (you can read more about her on our staff page here).
After going on an abroad trip, Amy took some time and disconnected from JUNTOS, but years later she applied for the Abroad Programs Director position and was hired. Today, she is responsible for all programming, locally and internationally, and we literally could not run JUNTOS without her!
Here is Amy’s #JUNTOSjourney:
While studying for her BFA in dance, Amy discovered JUNTOS through a friend who had participated in the past. As a student, she traveled to Mexico and Guatemala to conduct dance outreach with us.

“Because of JUNTOS, I’ve seen what dance can do on numerous scales: globally, within communities and at a personal level. This is work that simultaneously connects people from all walks of life while encouraging each individual to seek excellence and comfort in their own skin. What incredible magic it is!”
Not all students that participate in abroad trips or local work will be employed by our organization, yet Amy’s story is a great example of how our programming encourages students to continue exploring leadership positions and arts outreach beyond their time with us.