Travel with us!
JUNTOSAbroad – Guatemala, May-June 2024: Travel Log here!
JUNTOSYouth – Mexico, July 2024: Travel Log here!
JUNTOSAbroad – Mexico, January 2023: Travel Log here!
JUNTOSAbroad – Guatemala, June 2023: Travel Log here!
JUNTOSAbroad – Guatemala, June-July 2022: Travel Log here!
JUNTOSImmersion – Mexico, January 2020: No travel log available at this time.
JUNTOSAbroad – Guatemala, June 2020: Cancelled due to COVID-19.
JUNTOSYouth – Mexico, June 2020: Cancelled due to COVID-19.
JUNTOSAbroad – Colombia, August 2020: Cancelled due to COVID-19.
JUNTOSAbroad – Mexico, January 2019: Read about our travels in Oaxaca and Chiapas during WEEK 1 and WEEK 2. You can also check out our trip itinerary.
JUNTOSAbroad – Guatemala, June 2019: Read about our first week here!
JUNTOSYouth – Mexico, June 2019: A wonderful trip, however no travel log.
JUNTOSAbroad – Colombia, August 2019: Read about our first week here!
Mexico: January: Short snippets from our Mexico travels in Oaxaca and Chiapas
Guatemala – May/June: A wonderful journey, however we were unable to provide a travel log.
Guatemala – June: A wonderful journey, however we were unable to provide a travel log.
Guatemala – August: A wonderful journey, however we were unable to provide a travel log.
Nicaragua: August: Read our travel blog written by JUNTOSAbroad Program Director Amy McMurchie.
Guatemala: May/June: Stay tuned.
Mexico: January: Stay tuned.
Guatemala – May/June: A wonderful journey, however we were unable to provide a travel log.
Nicaragua: August: Watch a video that sums up our two week journey in Nicaragua this past August, 2016
Nicaragua: August: Follow us in Nicaragua as we keep you updated from place to place. Check out our full itinerary to see where we are headed and where we’ve been, or follow our blog below.
Mexico: May/June: From May 25-June 7, 2015, we will be traveling throughout Mexico to Mexico City, Guanajuato, San Miguel de Allende, and Oaxaca for two weeks of performances and workshops. We look forward to our travels through a blog with photos, videos, and written memories.
Guatemala: January: Follow us as we travel to five cities! Read about our day-to-day adventures and hear first-hand what a trip is like.
Nicaragua and Costa Rica: August: Our third visit to these beautiful countries! We begin our travels in Managua, Nicaragua and travel through six cities to finish our 14-day trip in San Jose, Costa Rica. Be a part of our trip as we are greeted with vivacious individuals and lush countrysides! Join our travels and stay up to date with photos, quotes, and short video snippets!
Mexico: May/June: Travel with us to Mexico as we dance throughout Guanajuato, teach girls for the 6th year at a foster home in San Miguel de Allende, revisit friends in Querétaro, and travel down to Oaxaca for the third year! We post through video, photos, and testimonials as we travel through the cities.
Guatemala: May: As a tribute to our five years in Guatemala, we document our travels for you! Travel with us as we share time with dear friends and family, collaborate with individuals and organizations, experience dance in global context, explore images of beauty, embrace the greatness in all individuals, examine humanity beyond art, and inspire one another.
Guatemala: January: No travel log provided.
Nicaragua and Costa Rica: August: No travel log provided.
Mexico: May/June: No travel log provided
Guatemala: March: In March 2013, five students from Ailey/Fordham and LINES/Dominican took off to Guatemala for eight days of travel. Check out their journey.
Guatemala: January: No travel log provided.
Nicaragua and Costa Rica: August: No travel log provided.
Mexico: May/June: In 14 days of travel throughout four Mexican cities, six JUNTOS dancers (from Ailey/Fordham, Juilliard, and LINES/Dominican) and three staff members shared and exchanged dance with seven communities and hundreds of people in audiences.
Guatemala: March: Eight short days with a small group of students from Ailey/Fordham University.
Guatemala: January: No travel log provided.
Mexico: No travel log provided
Guatemala: No travel log provided.
Mexico: No travel log provided
Guatemala: No travel log provided.
Mexico: No travel log provided