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We are 1 day away from #GIVINGTUESDAY…
Join the #JUNTOShappy movement!


This Giving Tuesday, JUNTOS wants YOU to move our international arts outreach programming forward. Aid our team in developing program expansion & sustainability, while strengthening bonds between cultures & countries, using arts & dance. JUNTOS’ international programming creates community between dancers from the United States & communities in Latin America, specifically Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua.  

Last year, gifts from supporters like you put smiles on over 6,200 faces last year. JUNTOS has now progressed to make far-reaching and self-sustaining connections, and is thus looking to reach even more individuals in international communities to provide dance to those with little or low access to arts education.

This year, you can be part of the movement that will affect over 8,100 people this coming 2020. 

Here’s how you can help!

  1. Post a photo/video. Tell your followers why you support JUNTOS. Be sure to tag us @juntoscollective (Facebook & Instagram). We’ll repost your photo or video!
  2. Donate to our campaign. On December 3rd, 2019, JUNTOS will launch our #GivingTuesday Network for Good  campaign to raise funds, focusing on the evolution of our team, deepening relationships with existing community alliances, & the development of new connections. We will send you the live link that morning!
  3. Follow our #GivingTuesdayJUNTOS stories. By signing up for our emails you can receive inspiring impact stories right to your inbox about community members and community alliances that were inspired by our organization. Sign up by scrolling to the bottom of this page.

    We hope that you will join us on this global day of giving. Thank you to all for your continued support…

    We dance best when we’re together!