JUNTOS has opportunities for university and high school dance students, as well as emerging professional dancers to participate in programming.
JUNTOSAbroad: Eligible applicants must be between the ages of 18-24, and must be earning or have recently obtained a degree in dance. Students must fill out an application form and complete an interview with the Programs Director. Applications are open now for JUNTOSAbroad: Guatemala 2025!
JUNTOSYouth: Interested high school students can send an email to cristiana@juntoscollective.org
JUNTOSVirtual: College and high school dancers can learn more and apply for virtual programming HERE.
JUNTOSAmbassador: Each Ambassador candidate will be invited to apply to the program through application and interview if they fit the following criteria:
- They have worked closely with JUNTOS for at least one year
- They demonstrate strong leadership skills
- They have acted as informal representatives of the JUNTOS mission in the past
When selecting dance volunteers to accept into our programs, JUNTOS Collective is dedicated first and foremost to the dancer’s interest in the JUNTOS mission.