Ariane Michaud
Communications Director
Ariane is a freelance dancer, choreographer, producer and management consultant for the arts. After receiving a BFA in Contemporary Dance from The Boston Conservatory, Ariane merged her interests of movement, arts management and technology by creating a unique freelance career. In addition to working with JUNTOS Collective, she produces work with DANCE NOW NYC, and is the Social Media Strategist for Doppelganger Dance Collective, the Rhode Island company founded by Danielle Davidson and Shura Baryshnikov. Her interest in emerging technologies has led her to work for The Conference for Research on Choreographic Interfaces (CRCI) at Brown University, and Behavior Delta, a design firm leveraging behavior design and neuroscience to create positive impact within the tech industry. Ariane began traveling with JUNTOSAbroad as a student in 2013 and was thrilled to join the JUNTOS team as Communications Director in 2016.